Thursday, July 15, 2010

The fete craft stall...

Well the busyness of school holidays of over and its back to business as usual for us - so i finally have been able to steal a quiet moment while miss B is taking a nap to post.....

My son went into year one this year and at the start of the year we were informed that this year is a fete year - our school only hold one every two years. It is of course the biggest fundraiser the school holds and this year our class has been assigned the craft stall!!

I am excited to be able to create all sorts of goodies to contribute. So over the last few months i have started a 'fete box' which i aim to keep filling as i get a chance to sew and do some papercraft - and lets face it, you can never start too early!!

So i wanted to share just a couple of things that are starting to fill my box....

Not an original idea, as you all probably know but i think it will be popular with mums, are these 'art wallets' with space for crayons on one side and a pad of paper on the other...

fold it up and your armed with entertaiment for the littlies....

another item for the kiddies are these superhero headbands. I found this great tutorial over on the curlypops blog and the lovely Cam had kindly allowed me to use this pattern to make some to donate.

also some bean bags (filled with rice) - the kids LOVE to throw them around - i had about 20 of them zooming around my lounge room!

and some of these heart hanging ornaments...

and of course every crafters favorite friend - pincushions (which i forgot to take photos of - sorry!)

I have several other project in various stages of construction which i will share soon

But for now i'd love to put the call out to my readers for some suggestions and/or ideas??
I am a newbie to the fete thing so i am asking anyone - if you have had experience with fete craft stalls - i am open to suggestions - What sells well? What items are popular? What would you all like to see at the fete stall?

Any suggestion would be much appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by!


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