Well we made it through out bush camping weekend with all limbs still attached. We had a fabulous time despite the -5 degree temperature on the last night! BRRRR..... Maybe we should have rethought bush camping at Warwick in the dead of winter! LOVE being in the great outdoors though and thought id share some pics from the weekend...
Well i had a quite a few projects on the go last week that i haven't had a chance to share yet.
These invitations for a client that i managed to snap a few quick photos of before i ran out the door to deliver them...
Also some custom cards being sent off:
and you might remember me mentioning the impending arrival of some sewing books that i was getting for my birthday.....
Well they arrived this week! So keen to get stuck in to them....
i even managed to squeeze in the first project from 'one yard wonders' before we went away.
I have been meaning to redecorate Miss B's room ever since she moved into a bed. It is still decorated in nursery colours, So i made a start by revamping this photo board using the first project......
and the result
the frame i picked up at a garage sale and the material was a flea market find....
Love to hear your thoughts...
Thanks for stopping by!
I was going to mention how crazy camping was at this time of year...hope you didn't freeze off anything important xxxK