Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So to get myself back into the groove of things i have decided to join in with a PAY IT FORWARD with the Lovely Vanessa from the Clip Cafe.

I would LOVE for some of you to join in so here is how it works:

I promise to send something Handmade to the first 3 people who comment on this post.

To be eligible, you must also post this in your blog, offering the same thing to 3 other people. The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 3 people *sometime* in 2011.

It is suggested that if you are playing along you give yourself an approximate
*due by* date so the people that signed up aren't waiting terribly long.

I am aiming to give myself approximately 3 months to complete and send my items.....

I would love for you to play along, so get commenting!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Oh I would love to play along it is such a great idea, and I'll have fun having it on my blog

  2. OOOOo fun! I am in. I may copy your text exactly if you don't mind. Sounds perfect. :)


Thank you so much for your comments, it really does make my day to read them!!